Monday, March 12, 2012

School, School, and More School

SOOOO... I should be studying right now. Speaking of which, school has been such a crazy roller coaster this semester. I have never had a semester this stressful in my life. It's not that I'm taking a lot of credits, but rather, all of my classes, except for one, are classes that I can't say I'm the strongest in. God has truly been teaching me that things, even education, are always under His control and that no matter how hard I try to have everything organized and the way I like it, God easily can have a completely different idea in mind. At this point, I'm just praying that He will just get me through this semester in one piece, with it being my last semester of pre-reqs and all.
Right now, I am also waiting to hear back from the Department of Education to see if I was accepted into the School of Education. This here predicts whether or not I will end up becoming a teacher, y'all. SCARY thought! I have wanted to be a teacher for an extremely long time and I can't see myself doing anything else with my life, career wise. The thought of not accomplishing that is pretty devastating. So prayers are greatly appreciated! haha
All of this really has me believing that God is stretching me in yet another area of my life that I am trying to remain in control of. I am one to set goals and always find ways to achieve them. For the most part, it is a great way to view life and get tasks done, but it can make times like this discouraging and stressful to say the LEAST. I know that I am right where I need to be and God hasn't placed anything in front of me that I can't handle. He has promised us that (1 Cor. 10:13). So I guess all I can do at this point is pray that I am content with where the Lord guides me even if it isn't what I had planned (Prov. 16:9) and trust that it is for my own benefit (Rom. 8:28) and ultimately will bring Him glory through it in the end.

With all of that being said, enough of the procrastinating... :P back to studying I go!

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